Academic calendar and examinations - Uppsala University (2024)

The autumn term starts the first Monday between August 28 and September 3 and lasts 20 weeks. The Spring term starts the Monday after autumn term and lasts 20 weeks.

Each term is divided into two periods each covering 10 weeks (15 credits). Most courses have nothing scheduled around Easter and Christmas, check the course schedule for more information.

Academic year 2024/2025

Autumn Semester 2024: September 2 to January 19

  • Period 1 September 2 – November 3
  • Period 2 November 4 – January 19

No scheduled activities on December 23, December 27, December 30 and all holidays.

Spring Semester 2025: January 20 to June 8

  • Period 3 January 20 – March 23
  • Period 4 March 24 – June 8

No scheduled activities on April 30, May 2, May 30 and all holidays.


A student who has failed an examination has the right to try again (with new questions). There is no limitation of the number of re-examinations you can do. If you have passed an examination, you cannot take it again to improve your grade. You must register for re-examinations at the Ladok before a specific date. You may also do a re-examination at the next regular examination date. If you wish to do this, you must contact the course leader in advance and ask to be registered on the course.

Reexamination periods for master programmes in biology and applied biotechnology

For courses given Autumn 2024 or earlier:

    • For courses given Period 1: 2–4 January 2025
    • For courses given Period 2: 22, 23, 26 April 2025

For courses given Spring 2025 or earlier:

    • For courses given Period 3: 9 and 10 June 2025
    • For courses given Period 4: 3-4 January 2025

For all courses: August 2025

Courses offered several times per year

For most courses, re-examiniations will be provided as stated below, however courses offered several times per year may provide re-examinations at other times.

  1. Re-examination period for regular courses in Period 1 is at the start of the spring semester.
  2. Re-examination period for reuglar courses in Period 2 in Easter and 3 is in June.
  3. Re-examination period for regular courses in Period 4 (previous year) is in January.
  4. Re-examination period for all courses in the academic year is in August.

For more information about reexaminations, please visit the faculty website for students.

General information about exams at the University


All courses contain an examination. Commonly there is a written exam covering all or most of the course, and minor tests or project presentations. You can ask your course leader for examples of old exams. These will give you an idea of how the exam will be constructed, and you can use them to test your knowledge, but they may not represent the current state of the course syllabus. The exam is not the single determinant of whether you pass the course or not. You also need to pass laboratory work including writing reports and participating in seminars and field courses etc. For more details, please see the syllabus for each course.

Many exams are written anonymously. You must register for the exam at least 12 days before the exam. When you do this you will receive a code that you write on your exam instead of your name.

To be able to participate in an examination you have to identify yourself by showing your passport and the letter from the tax office showing your civic registration number or a Swedish ID-card.

The examination starts at the exact time stated in the schedule. If you arrive late, but not more than 30 minutes late, you are still allowed to do the examination. If you arrive later than 30 minutes after the beginning of the examination, you are not allowed to participate. If you start the examination, but after reading the examination questions decide not to take the test, you have to wait 30 minutes before leaving the room. In that case the examination is reported as failed.

You can find your examination results as soon as they are reported, in Ladok.

Exam hand out

As soon as the result is published in Ladok you should be able to have access electronically to your corrected exam. You can see all your archived exams and download them to your computer. You will not be able to retrieve the original exam papers. They may however be rescanned within two months if there has been a scanning error. Your exams will be saved on the Uppsala University server for 2 years from the date of your grade. After that, the exam will be removed from the server.

Exams coordinated by the teachers themselves will be returned by the teachers.

The corrected exams can be collected in the IBG office at EBC, Tuesday and Friday 12:15-13:15 or at BMC A8:1 during office hours. You have to be able to identify yourself. If you are pleased with the marking you can sign the list and take the exam with you. If you want to discuss the marking with the teacher, you ask for a copy instead.

Academic calendar and examinations
 - Uppsala University (2024)


How hard is it to get into Uppsala University? ›

A1. Admission to one of the oldest Sweden Universities i.e. Uppsala University is not very tough. Ensure to satisfy the eligibility criteria because the acceptance rate is moderately competitive. Out of 100 applicants, 80 students get accepted which means the acceptance rate is 80%.

What is the grading scale for Uppsala University? ›

The grading scales below are used at Uppsala University: Fail (U), Pass (G) Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG) Fail (U), Pass (3), Pass with credit (4), Pass with distinction (5)

What is the acceptance rate for Uppsala University? ›

Uppsala University is one of the top public universities in Sweden with an acceptance rate of 80%. Students may choose to apply for either autumn or spring semesters with application rounds in each intake.

What is the academic calendar in Swedish universities? ›

Academic calendar

The academic year at Swedish universities consists of two semesters, each lasting 20 weeks. The autumn semester runs from the beginning of September to mid-January, and the spring semester runs from mid-January until the beginning of June. There is usually a two-week break in teaching at Christmas.

How prestigious is Uppsala University? ›

It is ranked among the top 100 universities in the world. Eight scientists at the university have been awarded the Nobel Prize.

How much does a PhD at Uppsala make? ›

The average salary for PhD Student is SEK 30,867 per month in the Uppsala, Uppsala. The average additional cash compensation for a PhD Student in the Uppsala, Uppsala is SEK 167, with a range from SEK 85 - SEK 167.

What is a 4.0 GPA in Sweden? ›

The GPA can range from 1.00 to 5.00, with 5.00 representing the highest possible score (A = 5.00, B = 4.00, C = 3.00, D = 2.00, E = 1.00).

What is a good grade in Sweden? ›

Students can be graded: A – Exemplary. B – Excellent. C – Good.

What GPA is a 79%? ›

Convert Your GPA to a 4.0 Scale
Percent Grade4.0 Scale
8 more rows

Is Lund better than Uppsala? ›

For the first time, QS has presented a separate ranking of European universities. In the new list, Uppsala University shares 22nd place with Lund University. The two also share first place among Nordic higher education institutions.

Is it worth going to Uppsala? ›

Like many of Sweden's cities, Uppsala is small enough to appreciate its blend of a charming, lively town with extensive nature and parks and the picturesque banks of the Fyris River, making it ideal for outdoor enthusiasts to explore – either by foot or bike.

What is unique about Uppsala University? ›

Our Campus Gotland offers a truly unique academic environment: The historical and cultural setting of the medieval town Visby, one of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites, encircled by a ring wall that dates back to the 12th century.

Do Swedes pay for college? ›

It is important to note that Swedish citizens and EU/EEA students continue to enjoy tuition-free education in Sweden; the introduction of tuition fees only applies to non-EU/EEA students, who are required to pay tuition fees that cover the full costs of their education and all administrative support.

What is the difference between academic calendar and regular calendar? ›

An Academic Year (AY) calendar covers the 12-month time span from July through June. A Regular Year (RY) calendar covers the 12-month time span from January through December.

What time do Swedes go to school? ›

The year is broken up into two semesters. There is a long break in December from the middle of the month until early January. For younger kids, school hours are typically 8:30 to 14:30. Older students start at the same time and leave around 15:00 or 16:00.

Is it easy to get into Swedish universities? ›

Students are able to research scholarships and visa and passports beforehand. Keep in mind it can be difficult to get into a university in Sweden on your own as the educational system is popular, however, if you work hard and obtain good results then there won't be anything that can get in your way!

How much does it cost to go to Uppsala University? ›

For undergraduate students from Switzerland and EU/EEA countries, tuition is free. For postgraduate students from the same countries, costs range between SEK 90,000 and SEK 135,000 annually.

What is the merit rating of Uppsala University? ›

The merit rating scale is from 10 - 22.5. The better your previous grades, the higher the merit rating. For more specific information about merit ratings for the courses/programmes you've applied for, see the course/programme description page on the university's website.

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.