RatTails - MBIS BISS GCH Whistlestop's Riley On Fire - Official Publication of the Irish Water Spaniel Club of America - Irish Water ... (2024)

RatTails Official Publication of the Irish Water Spaniel Club of America Spring 2013MBIS BISS GCH Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire

What’s InsideIncoming President’s Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Outgoing President’s Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Committee Chairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Club Objectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Secretary’s Report - Annual Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Incoming Recording Secretary’s Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5National Speicalty 2013. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 From A ‘Pet’ Owner’s Point of View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Winners Photos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142013 IWSCA 75th Anniversary National Specialty – WC/WCX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20A Genetic Overview of the Irish Water Spaniel - A Presentation by Dr. Bell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Results of IWSCA National Speicalty Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24IWSCA Questionnaire Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262012 Hemopet Report For The IWS Thyroid Study Project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Results of the Election . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Regional Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33May They Rest In Peace – Earl Neumann, Alan Joseph Stern and Mary Sue Altman. . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover Rat Tails

Incoming President’s Message Well, I’ve gone and done it now! – volunteering to be your IWSCA President. There are several activities going on currently on which the Board, via our hard working committees, is moving forward. Jim Rubin has agreed to continue to chair the 501C-3 committee. Our newsletter production, printing and distribution is being taken over by Bear Associates, with the help of Annette Mora. Lindy Williams, Emily Pickul along with Deborah Hughes, our current webmaster, are going to beW activating our IWSCA Store over theHelen Howard As many of you know, I’m a dog lover, next few months, expanding items a breeder in 3 different sporting dogs: available as they are able to inventory, Gordon Setters, IWS and Field Spaniels. photograph and write descriptions and ell, I’ve gone and done it now! My goal is to simply help guide some place them on our IWSCA website and– volunteering to be your IWSCA processes within our club and perhaps, in make them available for sale to allPresident. a small way, repay our IWS for all the interested. The National Institute of As I write this, I am on a Delta love, loyalty and laughs we’ve received Health has agreed to map our DNA, anFlight, crossing the SW US, returning from the ones we have owned, loved and extremely exciting move, which willfrom a mini-vacation in Cabo San had as such a large part of our families. over the next several years, with ourLucas, Mexico—a business trip Dave We volunteer to take on positions with Health and Genetics Committee willand I made without any of our dogs. We our club and continue to participate in bring us the opportunity to identifyalso attended the National in Ohio for activities and events, for much the same some markers which should open a7 days without our dogs. While we reasons to do our little bit for the good whole new world of “Health Benefits”enjoyed everyone else’s dogs at the and future of our breed. When we forget for our friends. This information inSpecialty, we were in dog-withdrawal it’s “all about the dogs”, we lose sight of combination with our 501C-3 status-by the time we returned home. At our purpose. making donations tax deductible, alonghome, our “four legged Friends,” were I am excited about the opportunity with the continued work with the AKCobviously also in “withdrawal ”— to work with our new Board. The Canine Health Foundation, the Rabiesmobbing us with kisses, snuggles and members have such varied and deep Challenge and the Thyroid Study insleeping closer than ever for a few experience in so many different dog which folks are participating we arenights. After being home for only a activities; types of dog clubs; other looking forward to some very excitingweek, we left again. I’d bet we have breeds, and; the AKC, on both personal news about improving the health of oursome very annoyed family members and professional levels, it can only dogs.awaiting our arrival back home. But I’m benefit both our club and dogs. Each Thank you to the Breeders Educationsure…they will kiss us, hug us and all one is thoughtful, bright, and brings an Committee and the Health andwill be forgiven after we throw that intense love and valuable understanding Genetics Committee for their“orb” in the yard for all of them! Were to our team. We are extremely lucky to cosponsoring of Dr. Jerold Bell’s 3+that our lives could be so simplistic and have such impressive volunteers give of hour presentation on Genetic status ofuncomplicated! their time, knowledge and abilities. the IWS. The membership and theSpring 2013 1

Outgoing President’s Message Mora and Lisa Shaw redeveloped and reinvigorated our Newsletter; making it into more than a tool for keeping in touch, but for public education. Colleen McDaniel led a diverse team and developed our f irst comprehensive Judges’ Education material. Mindy Garbarino refocused and opened our Breeders Education Committee by developing several impressive public seminars led by nationally recognized speakers, offering health clinics and creating a digital “Puppy Pack,” filled with valuable information on responsible pet ownership --- making it too available to the public. Maria Nation rewrote and redesigned our website; creating a public resource and library of information on IWS, rescue and health research; she established our Facebook presence and our ability to provide eblasts. Marilyn Cantrell started our Public Education and Outreach Committee and the Meet-The-Breeds teams, booth exhibits and literature for NYC and Orlando. Jack McDaniel commissioned our study of National Specialties that developed a Work Breakdown Structure so we can moveT those events throughout the countryJames Rubin passed our new C& BL by an while maintaining quality control and overwhelming margin, and immediately provide key opportunities for the public restructured our corporate documents to meet our dogs and participate in our hank you. Our 75th Year was on file with the State of Illinois. After education & research programs, as wellmagnificent. some intense research, we formed an as, help us raise money for our charitable It started with barbecues in the implementation committee and decided efforts. Susanne Hogan developed aheartland at Purina Farms, where we to file the application for recognition as nation-wide rescue infrastructure. Danshared favorite whiskeys and fresh a tax-exempt, non-profit. We finished Sayers created our first Illustratedideas. At its first meeting, the new- our year with the glitter and celebration Standard to educate shelter operatorsBoard voted to change our Constitution of a spectacular Diamond Jubilee and others. Sharon Moreland conductedand By-Laws (C&BL) by including the National Specialty. and analyzed a year-long, world-widelanguage needed to focus our Club into This didn’t just happen. Let me health survey and is also working witha Public Charity. Then, the National connect some of the dots. Looking back other breeders and Michael & AnneliesInstitutes of Health asked to map the on the last four years of energy and Roeterdink to populate the healthIrish Water Spaniel’s genome. As the investment, many members deserve elements, initially outlined by Florenceculmination of three years hard work in recognition for our impor tant Blecher, of the international pedigreegovernance, policies and missions, we accomplishments. Jill Brennan, Annette database. Laurel Baglia orchestrated the2 Rat Tails

President’s Message (Continued from page 1)Board truly appreciate your funding of pleasant and welcoming atmosphere. hard work and valued input. Our 2013this event. It was extremely informative How could they help but be impressed!? Board will certainly take the reins andand I understand we are now in We should all be proud of that outcome! complete some activities as well as beginpossession of his slide presentation for Cong rat u lat ions to a l l t he and work on our new challenges as theyour continued use. participants and winners. It is designed arise. I want to add my heartfelt thanks to to be a fun week to show off our dogs I want to invite all of you to feel freeeach and every member of the 2013 abilities and to enjoy getting together to contact any of your board membersNational Specialty Committee and all with friends, old and new—a time to with feedback, comments, questions,those who volunteered to take on any learn, and to celebrate our dogs. I know accolades and most importantly, to offerassistive role in the specialty. What a we met all those goals and a few extras your time on any project you might beweek! I saw so many smiles resultant along the way. I enjoyed seeing so many interested in.from the participation in all the venues. of you! We’d love to have you!The overriding attitude of the workers, Lastly, I want to make sure thatthe participants and observers was everyone knows that I am saying a huge“well, yes, we can do that!”. The dogs “Thank You” (again) to Jim Rubin for allwere certainly having a blast doing what his dedication, hard work, and forthey loved. I know the puppies there sharing his expert “consulting” focus onwere very happy and what a socializing behalf of our IWS over not only lastopportunity for them all. Our IWS year as President, but for the past several“Newcomers” were taking it all in and years while on the IWSCA Bvoard. Patfrom what I observed, there is no doubt Welch and Evie Van Uden have beenwe will be seeing many of them in the extremely valuable members of ourfuture, in no small part, due to the very Board and we all thank them for theirOutgoing President’s Message (Continued from previous page )collection of DNA from 30 IWS The future looks very bright and each and the many things each of you haveunrelated at the grandparent level for of you can help. Under Helen Howard’s done to make our Club a success and athe NIH Study. Lynn Musgrave led the leadership and the Board’s oversight, we more powerful force to help our dogs,complex overhaul of our C&BL. have established three groups to guide educate the public and be part of health Many others were part of these our next steps: Liz Weaver will lead and genetic research. I’m lookingsuccesses and more; still others will be Charitable Program Development, Greg forward to what we do next.needed to take over where they left off. Johnson Policies and Procedures; andBut to me, these milestones represent a Shona Ensign automated accounting.commitment across the broadest Change is hard. It takes time and thespectrum of our club, to support the support of many. But we are on our way.missions in our new C&BL and our We know where we are going. Please letcharitable work in Public Education, us know how you can help.Scientific Research and Rescue. Again, thank you for your supportSpring 2013 3

Committee ChairsBreeders Education Merchandise Committee By-LawsMindy Garbarino Emily Pikul Lynn MusgraveJudges Education Rescue National Trophy CoordinatorColleen McDaniel Tara Darling-Lyon Melissa McMunnHealth/Genetic Concerns Top Producers/New Titles Awards and StatisticsLaurel Baglia Liz WeaverIllustrated Standard Club Historian Field & TrackingDan Sayers Florence Blecher Mary ReichStandard Review Web Site LegislativeColleen McDaniel Deborah Hughes Florence Blecher Opinions expressed in Rat Tails are those of the author or advertiser, and do not necessarily constitute endorsem*nt by the Irish Water Spaniel Club of America, its officers, board of directors, membership, or editorial staff. Club Objectives a.To encourage members to perfect, requirements of the American competition at dog shows, field by selective breeding, physically and Kennel Club; trials, obedience trials and tracking temperamentally sound Irish Water c.To urge members & breeders to tests; to do all possible to further the Spaniels; to do all possible to accept the standard of the breed as use of the Irish Water Spaniel as a promote their natural abilities & approved by AKC as the only hunting dog; qualities; standard of excellence by which e.To conduct sanctioned matches, b.To encourage the organization of IWS shall be judged; specialties, field and obedience trials independent local IWS clubs in the d. To do all in its power to protect and and tracking tests under the rules localities where there are sufficient advance the interest in the breed by and regulations of the American I WS fanciers to meet the encouraging s p or t s m a n l i k e Kennel Club. I Membership s open to all who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club and subscribe to the purposes of the Irish Water Spaniel Club of America. Please submit completed application form to the Membership Chair with dues payment for the current year. Dues: Checks payable to IWSCA (payable in U.S. funds) Individual membership $25 – Household membership $40 Overseas: Same as above but please include additional $20 to cover international shipping surcharges Send application with check, payable in U.S. funds, to: Greg Johnson 2316 5th ST NE Minneapolis MN 55418 USA 612-205-0075 • bengarloc@aol.com4 Rat Tails

Secretary’s Report – Annual MeetingBSubmitted by Emily Pikul Sandy Ascot and Jeremy Kezer are Treasurer: Sandy Ascot well on their way to getting the club Corresponding Secretary: Emily Pikul their own Paypal account. This will be AKC Delegate: Jack McDaniel ear associates and Annette Mora a wondrous way to be able to purchase Recording Secretary: Lynn Musgravewill be co-managing our newsletter in merchandise from the website, continue Membership Chair: Gregory Johnsonthe coming future. Annette will maintain to pay our dues online and so manyher title as will everyone who has been more possibilities. As well as thank the nominatingworking with her and Mark Mougel Quintessential versatility award- committee yet again for their hardwith his company, Bear associates will Look for these gorgeous glass work.print it or produce it via online. It will medallions made by our very own Cat Rescue- Suzanne Hogan has steppedbe offered as an online newsletter unless Shelby to be handed out to qualifiers down as rescue chair and requestedyou opt to receive it via paper. Bear tomorrow. Tara Darling-Lyon take her place. Taraassociates with their liaison Mark Election Results – Once again we has gladly accepted. We, the board,Mougel also counted the ballots for the would like to congratulate the election can’t thank her enough and wish herelection this year and reported winners on their terms for the IWSCA and the rest of the rescue committeeeverything to us. Board: continued success in their endeavors. Deborah Hughes has taken on the President: Helen Howardjob of webmaster. We want to thank her First VP: Jeremy Kezerfor her willingness to volunteer. Second VP: Linda Deckard Incoming Recording Secretary’s ReportFSubmitted by Lynn Musgrave 8:00 EDT. We will provide the Corresponding Secretary, Emily agenda for each meeting one week Pikul. The Board is debating on ahead of time on Rattails Only. whether to continue to provide access rom your incoming recording Because our first meeting will be late codes for Members to listen in.secretary: the secretary’s report for this in May, we will skip the month ofissue will be Emily’s in its entirety except June. Members with concerns to befor this: addressed may contact any Board• The Board will meet the first Tuesday member, but official correspondence of each month by teleconference at should be addressed to our Deadline for the next Issue July 15, 2013 Send Submissions to Annette Mora at iwscanewsletter@gmail.comSpring 2013 5

National Specialty 2013ABy Patrice Dodd I really did want to learn about changes that have come and are coming to the club, and to hear what the various committees are doing. t my first Specialty in Auburn,Washington, I had no brain space at all to the airport to the show site to make it seems kind of silly without a dog, but Ipay any attention to what was going on in time for the General Meeting, after wanted to go anyway. Tracking looksaround me. I had Cooper, a real handful having little sleep in the past 24 hour like a lot of fun, and maybe I’d learnof a young Irish Water Spaniel boy. hours and less food. I really did want to something. But the weather had otherBathing, grooming, feeding, walking, learn about changes that have come and ideas – cold, windy, and pouring downkeeping out of trouble – all that, and are coming to the club, and to hear what rain. I don’t think any of the tracking-trying desperately not to be nervous the various committees are doing. After hopefuls ventured out into the nearbyabout showing my dog. an hour and a half, though, I finally had but soggy soccer fields, either. My second Specialty, in Frederick, to take a bio break. I came away wishing So instead I went to the JudgesMaryland, was much more relaxed. I that the meeting had been just a bit Seminar. Colleen, Florence, Deb, andhad my girl Tooey, but she’d been shorter, and wishing I’d been there at others gave the one judge and a bunchtransported and cared-for by her co- the end when there was apparently a of spectators like me the benefit of slidesowner. So I could have noticed more of mention of a link between cancer and made with illustrations from thewhat was going on, but all I really Symmetrical Lupoid Onychodystrophy beautiful new Illustrated Standard, asremember was meeting a whole bunch (SLO). well as commentary based on theirof wonderful people, watching the dogs Then there was the buffet banquet decades of experience. I’m not a personwork at the WC/X test, being so pleased and silent auction. I shared a drink with who particularly notices conformation,that my girl and her handler won 1st in Tim and Ruth, and then wandered the but this time, the information about tailJunior Showmanship, and absolutely tables, my eye falling on one item that set and what “rectangular” means finallyloving the fact that a Gun Bitch had included a book and three leashes. I stuck. Maybe if I keep going to thesetaken Best of Breed. Everything else wanted those leashes, so I kept bidding Judges Seminars, I’ll get the whole doghas fallen away. up. It didn’t take long to realize that I together in my mind. This time – my third Specialty, the was pretty much just bidding against After lunch, I got dressed in my75th Anniversary Irish Water Spaniel Pam. We both kept hanging around show clothes, and then walked to theClub of America Specialt y in that particular table, and finally Pam grooming area next to the show ring.Wilmington, Ohio – this time, I have mentioned to me that she really wanted What I sight! Some people already inno excuse for not remembering that book. She’d met the author in her their show clothes, some not yet, andeverything. I had no dog of my own childhood and had fond feelings for some changing into show clothes rightthere, and only one borrowed puppy to him. When I told her that I didn’t care out there in the middle of everything.show. But when I had people at home about the book, I just wanted the And all ages and stages of IWS!ask ing me, “ W hat were the leashes, we both laughed. By the end, Some being made ready to go into theconformation results?” – I realized that Pam had the winning bid, and very ring, and others getting ready to go toI was still not able to give a full report. generously gave me the leashes. new homes. Some just hanging out,Thank goodness, Karen, our wonderful Not much later, I fell into bed. I was having done the WC/X, Obedience,Specialty Chair, has posted those for us. lucky. Susan had very kindly offered to Rally, or Agility earlier in the week. I So, even though I don’t have a lot of let me share her room, so I had a place was there to help Linda by showing onespecific memories of the things that on-site to sleep. And the fact that the of her stud dog’s puppies. Puppy Elliepeople want to know, I do have more hotel and the show site were all in one and I needed time to get to know onepersonal memories about this 75th large complex made getting back and another. Ellie was a sweet girl, butAnniversary Specialty that have stuck forth so easy. nervous, jealous when her best buddyin my mind. Next morning, I’d intended to go to got taken out of his crate, and not at all For me it started with rushing from Mary’s tracking seminar. Perhaps that interested in any of the different kinds6 Rat Tails

of treats offered. So instead of sculpted, blown-out legs; others had a lot of money. I wouldn’t have myconcentrating on the other dogs in the legs with natural curls and ringlets. husband or dogs along. I would have toconformation ring, I spent my time Some had long flowing locks on their miss two days of work (and pay). Ihelping Ellie get groomed and ears, some were trimmed somewhat, would be spending a lot of hours stuckaccustomed to me at the same time. I and one dog had ears that were sculpted in an airplane or waiting for one. Ieven borrowed some Rescue Remedy and shaped so precisely that every hair wouldn’t get much sleep, and I’dfrom Greg, hoping that would help stayed in its exact place. None did what probably eat too many carbs. But then Icalm Ellie. I am sorely tempted (but have never had realized that I would always regret it if Too soon it was time to go into the the courage) to do: take my two hunting I didn’t go to the Specialty and pick upring for the Puppy Bitches 9 – 12 class. IWS, clip their coats into an short easy Cooper’s AKC All-Around IWS awardI had eyes only for Ellie. She was in field cut that still somehow does not myself.first, and didn’t much like all those obscure the curl, and show them that Last year, Cooper won the Topother puppies being in the ring behind way. Retriever Hunt Test IWS award. I washer where she couldn’t see them. I After Best of Breed, it was time for surprised and pleased that he got that,couldn’t get her to face front and stack me and Ellie to go back into the ring for but I didn’t regret not being there to getfor more than a few seconds at a time, the Stud Dog class. She did a bit better it myself. But for this All-Aroundbut once we got going, I could get her this time, and her owners were happy. award, I really wanted to be there, toto gait nicely. The judge was kind and It’s so much easier to show someone share the experience with all these otherpatient, and even called me Ma’am, as else’s dog – I was even able to breathe people who can truly appreciate whathe directed us to the go-round and the the whole time. that award means and what it takes inup-and-back. By this time, it was late Friday love, money, time, and effort to earn it. I did take a short break to watch a bit afternoon, so I opted to skip lunch and My non-dog friends (and yes, I haveof the Best of Breed ring, and admired just chill out for an hour or so until the some) don’t get it. Cooper is Russ’ andhow methodical and polite the judge Awards Banquet. I perused the vendors’ my f irst purebred dog, our f irstwas in winnowing down from about 28 tables, looking at snoods, glass art, performance dog, our first Irish Waterdogs. Some dogs moved like they were books and prints, embroidered T-shirts, Spaniel, and our first experience withf loating, others couldn’t help but the printed Illustrated Standard training and showing our dog ourselves.bounce, and some looked like they booklets, and all the other merchandise. This is our first All-Arounder. And Iwanted to race their handlers around Along the way, I chatted with Carolyn, knew that if I didn’t go to this Specialty,the ring. All were beautifully showcased Marilyn, Susanne, Lynn, Sharon, to receive this award among the peoplein the large blue-carpeted ring, lit by an Wendy, Helen, Debbie, Deb, Wayne, who really do get it, I would very muchelegant crystal chandelier. Susan, Deb, Brenda, Rebecca, Lois, regret it. I don’t remember who all won what. and so many others. That was a major So I flew out to Ohio, and went toI remember that Riley won Best of goal for my coming to this Specialty – the 75th Anniversary Irish WaterBreed and that Porter took Best of to meet and talk with people I only Spaniel Club of America’s SpecialtyWinners, because I know their owners. know through Facebook and the various Show. And on Friday, when KarenI remember that Joey got Select Dog Yahoo groups. called out Cooper’s name, I walked tobecause I love it when Gun Dogs do For me, the highlight of the Specialty, the podium, and shook her hand, andwell. And I remember Ellie, the squirmy my real reason for flying out all that way received the award. People applauded,little puppy that I borrowed and tried to from Oregon, was Friday night. Not the as I applauded for them. I’ll never forgetcoax around the ring and into a stack. banquet, although my glass of bourbon that moment, even when my memory ofAll the other dogs in the ring…? I wish was welcome, and my beef and the much of the rest of the show falls away.I remembered each and every one. vinaigrette dressing was very tasty. And Thank you, to Karen, the Specialty The part of showing that I am the not the auction, even though Greg committee, and all the people in themost stressed by is grooming, so I did makes giving money to the club about Irish Water Spaniel Club of America,notice all the different styles of as fun and funny as it can be. I came out for making it possible.grooming. Some groomers left a lot of for the Awards.fringe on the belly; others scissored the For weeks before the Specialty, Ibelly coat up tight. Some dogs had debated about whether or not to go. It’sSpring 2013 7

Irish Water Spaniel Club of America National Specialty 2013Sweepstakes 3 Luckpuddle’s Zodiac Zinfadel. Veterans 11+ years Dogs Breeder: Catherine Wasson. Owner: 1 CH Kimswick ’s Tidal Wave CDPuppy 9‐12 Dogs Catherine Wasson and Linda CGC THD. Breeder: Linda S. &1 Riverdance Born On The 4th Of July. Deckard. Thomas C. Deckard. Owner:Keith R. Breeder: Jody Dushkes. Owner:Jody 4 Midwood Lunar E xpress To Davis. Dushkes. Kimswick. Breeder: Gratton Foy,2 Castlehill’s Mole End Reigning Veterans 7‐9 years Bitches Lynn Musgrave & Enzo Marfella. Magic. Breeder: Susan Tapp & 1 CH Ildanoch D’arcy Dublin Stout. Owner: Shirley Davis. Elizabeth Weaver. Owner: Susan Breeder: Deborah & Ken Hughes and Tapp & Bronn Epperly . Puppy 12‐15 Bitches Helen Howard. Owner: Deborah &3 Midwood The Next Wave Of 1 All Green Wi’Envy v Alpha Nordic. Ken Hughes. Kimswick. Breeder: Gratton Foy, Breeder: Marit Hansen. Owner: 2 CH Ballyhoo’s Janne O’Bachlach Lynn Musgrave & Enzo Marfella. Melissa McMunn. CD JH RN. Breeder: Dede Selph & Owner:Keith Davis. 2 Salteire Singular Sensation. Breeder: Judy Goonyeop. Owner: Dede Selph Patricia Bourne. Owner: Patricia & Pam Kadlec.Puppy 12‐15 Dogs Bourne. 3 Ch. Finnibone’s Stand N Deliver.1 Ildanoch Groovin’. Breeder: Deborah 3 I lda noc h Hot Fu n i n t he Breeder: Jacquelyn Fussell. Owner: & Ken Hughes. Owner:Deborah & Summertime. Breeder: Deborah Catherine Wasson. Ken Hughes. Hughes & Ken Hughes. Owner: 4 CH Im Magequins Blaze Of Glory.2 CuChulain’s Ocean In Motion From Ashley Richardson & Deborah Breeder: Bernard C Deleon & Barbra C2C. Breeder: Denise Locke & Hughes. Deleon. Owner: Evelyn Van Uden & Timothy Uf kes & Heidi Gervais. 4 Catanka Foreign Affair. Breeder: Kris Gustavson. Owner:Honor Blume & Mindy Seidi Linnavuori. Owner: Jodi Lamp. Garbarino. Veterans 9‐11 years Bitches Veterans 7‐9 years Dogs 1 CH Taras Water’s My Middle NamePuppy 15‐18 Dogs 1 CH Whistlestop’s B All U Can B CD CD JH RE NAP. Breeder: Tara1 Stanegate Just An Illusion. Breeder: J RN SH. Breeder: Colleen McDaniel. Darling & Mindy Garbarino. Owner: L Carruthers. Owner: Colleen Owner: Colleen McDaniel and Kim & Jeremy Kezer. McDaniel. Deborah Hughes. 2 CH Whistlestop’s Twist ‘N Shout2 Castlehill’s Fynder Joshua. Breeder: 2 CH Ildanoch Beckett’s Dublin Brew CD MX MXJ. Breeder: R Nelson, J M.R. Barrington. Owner: Natalie JH. Breeder: Deborah Hughes & Rollins-Nelson & Colleen McDaniel. Weissman & Susan Tapp & Pepi Kenneth Hughes & Helen L Howard. Owner: Patricia Morton. Barrington. Owner: Timothy Connor & Ruth3 Bl ac k t hor n H igh l a nd F l i ng Veterans 11+ years Bitches Connor. O’Crompton. Breeder: Kathy Dassel 1 Caelens Magyc Tym of Liebran CDX 3 CH Irish Mist’s Mickey McGuire & R James Rubin. Owner:Shari R AE5 A X A XJ A XP AJP NF. CD RE OA OAJ CGC. Breeder: Conley-Edwards and R James Rubin. Breeder: Karen & Kent Shaver and Evelyn M Van Uden. Owner: Marilyn Joan Hanawalt. Owner: SusanPuppy 6‐9 Bitches & Will Cantrell. Anderson and Randal Byrd.1 Blooming in Zin at the rinn. Breeder: 4 Ch Castlehill’s Purple Reign CD RN Lonnie Sparks. Owner: Nicole JH. Breeder: Susan Tapp & Margot Best of Opposite Sex Sweepstakes Geyza. Nielson. Owner: Susan Tapp & Stanegate Just An Illusion Margot Nielson.Puppy 9‐12 Bitches Best In Sweepstakes1 Poole’s Ide Last Dance. Breeder: Veterans 9‐11 years Dogs All Green Wi’Envy v Alpha Nordic Dorothy Line. Owner:Gregory Siner. 1 CH Tara’s Water Turned To Wine. Breeder: Mindy Garbarino, Tara Best Veteran In Sweepstakes2 Poole’s Ide Moving Forward. Breeder: D a rl i n g-Lyon. O w ner : M i ndy CH Whistlestop’s B All U Can B Dorothy Line. Owner:Gregory Siner Garbarino, Tara Darling-Lyon. CD RN SH and Bethany Urban. Best Opposite Sex Veteran Sweepstakes CH Taras Water’s My Middle Name CD8 JH RE NAP Rat Tails
Open Dogs American Bred BitchesRegular Classes 1 I.M. Navarone’s Mr. Bean. Breeder: 1 IM Nawedshoes T Party Express.Puppy 4‐6 Mos. Dogs Laurel Baglia &Evelyn Van Uden & Breeder: Karen Mulkern & RichardBB Tara’s Utter Chaos. Breeder: Tara Paul Van Bacho. Owner: Carolyn Mulkern. Owner: Evelyn Van Uden Darling-Lyon and Paul Price. Archer & Evelyn Marie Van Uden. & Karen Mulkern. Owner:Tara Darling-Lyon. 2 Castlehill’s Cuardach The Right 2 Ballyhoo’s Pinnacle Of Quiet Storm. Stuff O’Crispin. Breeder: Stephanie Breeder: Dede Selph & Dan Sayers.Puppy 9‐12 mos Dogs O’Reilly, Betty Watne, Susan Tapp. Owner: Dede Selph.1 Riverdance Born On The 4th Of July. Owner: Vikki Magaraci/Susan Tapp. 3 Realta 0 To 60 In A Red Hot Second. Breeder: Jody Dushkes. Owner: Jody 3 Kulana It’s Raining Again. Breeder: Breeder: Geri Ginder & Rosemary Dushkes. Heidi M Gervais & Timothy Ufkes.. Sexton. Owner: Shelley Lesac.2 Midwood The Next Wave Of Owner: Mary J Daly, Tim Ufkes & Kimswick. Breeder: Gratton Foy, Open Bitches Heidi Gervais. Lynn Musgrave & Enzo Marfella. 1 Arroyo’s Begin the Beguine. Breeder: Owner: Keith Davis. Puppy 4‐6 Mos. Bitches Sally Lewis and Lois MacDonald. OS Hooligan’s Cloud Nine At Kendall. Owner: Sally Lewis and Lois12‐18 mos Dogs Breeder: Florence Blecher. Owner: MacDonald.1 Stanegate Just An Illusion. Breeder: J Ruth Bruskiewitz & Florence Blecher. 2 Chantico’s Rising Tide. Breeder: L Carruthers. Owner: Colleen Kim Kezer & Jeremy Kezer & Mindy McDaniel. Puppy 6‐9 Mos. Bitches Garbarino. Owner: Ruth Crocker &2 Bl ac k t hor n H igh l a nd F l i ng 1 Blooming in Zin at the rinn. Breeder: Les Crocker & Kim .Kezer & Mindy O’Crompton. Breeder: Kathy Dassel Lonnie Sparks.. Owner: Nicole Garbarino. & R James Rubin. Owner: Shari Geyza. 3 Realta 0 To 60 In A Red Hot Second. Conley-Edwards and R James Rubin. Puppy 9‐12 Mos. Bitches Breeder: Geri Ginder & Rosemary3 CuChulain’s Ocean In Motion From 1 Poole’s Ide Moving Forward. Breeder: Sexton. Owner: Shelley Lesac. C2C. Breeder: Denise Locke & Dorothy Line. Owner:Gregory Siner 4 Realta Zoom Zoom Zoom. Breeder: Timothy Uf kes & Heidi Gervais. and Bethany Urban. Geri Ginder & Rosemary Sexton. Owner: Honor Blume & Mindy 2 Luckpuddle’s Zodiac Zinfadel. Owner:Nicole Geyza. Garbarino. Breeder: Catherine Wasson. Owner:4 Castlehill’s Fynder Joshua. Breeder: Veteran (7+ years) Dogs Catherine Wasson and Linda M.R. Barrington. Owner: Natalie 1 CH Ildanoch Beckett’s Dublin Brew Deckard. Weissman & Susan Tapp&Pepi JH. Breeder: Deborah Hughes & 3 Midwood Lunar E xpress To Barrington. Kenneth Hughes & Helen L Howard. Kimswick. Breeder: Gratton Foy, Owner:Timothy Connor & RuthBred‐By‐Exhibitor Dogs Lynn Musgrave & Enzo Marfella. Connor.1 Ildanoch Groovin’. Breeder: Deborah Owner:Shirley Davis. 2 CH Kimswick ’s Tidal Wave CD & Ken Hughes. Owner:Deborah & Puppy 12‐18 mos Bitches CGC THD. Breeder: Linda S. & Ken Hughes. 1 All Green Wi’Envy v Alpha Nordic. Thomas C. Deckard. . Owner: Keith2 Quiet Storm Turbulence. Breeder: Breeder: Marit Hansen. Owner: R. Davis. Dede Selph & Dan Sayers. Melissa McMunn. 3 CH Irish Mist’s Mickey McGuire Owner:April Barr & Daniel Sayers . 2 Salteire Singular Sensation. Breeder: CD RE OA OAJ CGC. Breeder:3 Castlehill’s Mole End Reigning Patricia Bourne. Owner: Patricia Evelyn M Van Uden. Owner: Marilyn Magic. Breeder: Susan Tapp & Bourne. & Will Cantrell. Elizabeth Weaver. Owner: Susan Tapp & Bronn Epperly . Bred‐By‐Exhibitor Bitches Veteran (7+ years) Bitches4 Alto’S Calling Dr Bombay. Breeder: 1 Navarone’s Absolutely Fabulous. 1 CH Taras Water’s My Middle Name Wayne Dickson. Owner: Wayne Breeder: Laurel Baglia, Evelyn Van CD JH RE NAP. Breeder: Tara Dickson. Uden, Paul Von Bacho. Owner:Laurel Darling & Mindy Garbarino. Owner: Baglia, Evelyn Van Uden, Paul Von Kim & Jeremy Kezer.American Bred Dogs Bacho. 2 GCH D’Locks Lunar Eclipse NA1 Beaufield’s Boundary Waters At 2 Muddy Waters Ring Leader. Breeder: OAJ OAP OJP NF NFP. Breeder: Poole’s Ide. Breeder: Bridget Sarah Roth & Diane Wacker. Owner: Lynn Musgrave. Owner: Grattan Kvarnlov. Owner: Bridget Kvarnlov Laurel Reeves & Diane Wacker. Foy, Enzo Marfella & Lynn & Gregory Siner & Debra Patterson. Musgrave. (Continued on page 10)Spring 2013 9
Irish Water Spaniel Club of America National Specialty 2013 (Continued from page 9)3 CH Ballyhoo’s Janne O’Bachlach Best Opposite Sex to Best Of Breed: CH Generation Class CD JH RN. Breeder: Dede Selph & Poole’s Ide Reversal of Fortune. Breeder: 1 CH Taras Water’s My Middle Name Judy Goonyeop. Owner:Dede Selph Sally Lewis & Lois MacDonald. Owner: CD JH RE NAP. Breeder: Tara & Pam Kadlec. Tom and Bethany Urban and Gregory Darling & Mindy Garbarino. Owner:4 CH Claddagh’s The Beat Goes On Siner. Kim & Jeremy Kezer. RN OA OAJ NF CGC. Breeder: 1 GCh Chantico’s Spirit In The Surf Marysue Altman & Diane Wacker. Select Dog: CH Whistlestop’s B All U JH RN CD NA NAJ CGC. Breeder: Owner: Jody Dushkes. Can B CD RN SH. Breeder: Colleen Kim Kezer & Mindy Garbarino. McDaniel. Owner: Colleen McDaniel and Owner:Kim Kezer.Gun Dog Class Dogs Deborah Hughes. 1 CH Chantico’s Light Of Land And1 CH Whistlestop’s B All U Can B CD Sea CGC. Breeder: Mindy Garbarino RN SH. Breeder: Colleen McDaniel. Select Bitch: Ch. Waterford’s Anything You & Kim Kezer. Owner: Mindy Owner: Colleen McDaniel and Want. Breeder: Shona Ensign. Owner: Garbarino & Kim Kezer. Deborah Hughes. Shona Ensign. 2 CH Ildanoch Southern Spice RN2 Ch Castlehill’s Purple Reign CD RN Awards Of Merit WC. Breeder: Deborah & Ken JH. Breeder: Susan Tapp & Margot Hughes and Helen Howard. Owner: Nielson. Owner: Susan Tapp & GCh Cat N Pats Luck of The Irish. Breeder: Deborah & Ken Hughes and Helen Margot Nielson. Marian McLeod. Owner: Kathy Dassel. Howard.3 GCH MACH4 Cuardach Blaze The Ch Chantico’s Camelot CGC. Breeder: 2 CH Ildanoch D’arcy Dublin Stout. Trail CD RA JH MXF T2B. Breeder: Kim Kezer & Jeremy Kezer & Mindy Breeder: Deborah & Ken Hughes and Stephanie O’Reilly & Betty Wathne. Garbarino. Owner: Veronica Rubin & R. Helen Howard. Owner:Deborah & Owner: Stephanie O’Reilly & Jeff James Rubin. Ken Hughes. Rife. 2 Ildanoch Groovin’. Breeder: Deborah4 CH Waybar Jaybren’s Jailhouse Rock Stud Dogs & Ken Hughes. Owner: Deborah & RN JHU CGC WDX. Breeder: 1 CH Tara’s Water Turned To Wine. Ken Hughes. Wayne F Murray. Owner: James Breeder: Mindy Garbarino, Tara Brennan. Darling-Lyon. Owner: Mindy Junior Showmanship Garbarino, Tara Darling-Lyon. 1/BJ Ch Coomara N Tara’s Gale Force.Gun Dog Class Bitches 2 CH Kimswick ’s Tidal Wave CD Breeder: Paul Price. Owner: Tara1 GCh Chantico’s Spirit In The Surf CGC THD. Breeder: Linda S. & Darling -Lyon Paul Price. JH RN CD NA NAJ CGC. Breeder: Thomas C. Deckard. Owner: Keith 2 Poole’s Ide Moving Forward. Breeder: Kim Kezer & Mindy Garbarino. R. Davis. Dorothy Line. Owner: Gregory Siner Owner: Kim Kezer. and Bethany Urban. Winners Dog - Beaufield’s Boundary Brood Bitches 3 Luck Puddles Will O’ The Wisp. Waters At Poole’s Ide 1 GCh Chantico’s Spirit In The Surf Breeder: Catherine Wasson. Owner: JH RN CD NA NAJ CGC. Breeder: Lisanne Bright. Reserve Winners Dog Kim Kezer & Mindy Garbarino. Stanegate Just An Illusion Owner: Kim Kezer. Obedience Trial Winners Bitch, Best of Winners 2 CH Mallyree’s Kayla Amhara RN. High In Trial Arroyo’s Begin the Beguine Breeder: Marian Hopkins. wner:Alice CH Whistle Stop Winds Of Change Getchell & Pam Manus. Reserve Winners Bitch VCD2 UD 3 CH Ildanoch D’arcy Dublin Stout. Chantico’s Rising Tide Breeder: Deborah & Ken Hughes and Novice B Obedience Helen Howard. Owner: Deborah & 1 Cuardach Emerald Trek To Rinn Ken Hughes. RN JH. Breeder: S O’Reilly & LBest of Breed Competition 4 CH Ildanoch Southern Spice RN Sparkes. Owner: L Sparkes. 189.5Best Of Breed: GCH Whistlestop’s Riley WC. Breeder: Deborah & Ken 2 GCH Blackthorns Brewed WithOn Fire. Breeder: Colleen McDaniel & Hughes and Helen Howard. Owner: Tradition RN CGC. Breeder: KarenStacy Duncan. Owner:Tom and Bethany Deborah & Ken Hughes and Helen Mulkearn and R. James Rubin. Howard. Owner: Susan Anderson and R.Urban and Gregory Siner. James Rubin. 188.010 Rat Tails
3 CH Jaybrens Politically Correct RA 3 NawedShoes National Treasure Brace II BN. Breeder: James F Brennan & RN. Breeder: Karen and Richard 1 CH Irish Mist’s Mickey McGuire Paul Price. Owner: Evelyn Van Uden Mulkearn. Owner: Susan .A nderson CD RE OA OAJ CGC. Breeder: & James Brennan. 187.0 and Randal Byrd. 193.5 Evelyn M Van Uden. Owner: Marilyn4 Eire’s Maybe I’m Amazed WC SH. 4 CH Claddagh’s The Beat Goes On & Will Cantrell. 158.0 Breeder: Wm Phillips & Kathy RN OA OAJ NF CGC. Breeder: 1 Ballyhoo’s Juicy Plum RE NA NAJ Dingledy. Owner: Patricia Bourne. Marysue Altman & Diane .W a c k e r. CD CGC. Breeder: Judith Goonyep 179.0 Owner:Jody Dushkes. 190.0 & Dede Selph. Owner: Marilyn & Q Castlehill’s Fynder Joshua. Breeder: Will Cantrell. 158.0Open A Obedience M.R. Barrington. Owner: Weissman1 GCH Ws N LA For The Love O’ & Susan Tapp & Pepi Barrington. The Game CD R A ThD. Breeder: Team Obedience 189.0 Russel Nelson, Jacqueline Rollins & Team I (Team Brown Clown) Q IM Nawedshoes T Party Express. Colleen McDaniel. Owner: Melissa 2 GCH Blackthorns Brewed With Breeder: Karen Mulkern & Richard McMunn. 193.5 Tradition RN CGC. Breeder: Karen Mulkern. Owner: Evelyn Van Uden Mulkearn and R. James Rubin.Open B Obedience & Karen Mulkern. 183.0 Castlehills Ode to Carey-Ann CD,1 CH Whistle Stop Winds Of Change Graduate Novice Obedience JH, RA NA. Owner: Susan Anderson VCD2 UD. Breeder: Col leen 1 GCH Ws N LA For The Love O’ The and R. James Rubin. 468.0 McDaniel. Owner: Deb Nezqoda. Game CD RA ThD. Breeder: Russel 2 Ch Castlehill’s Purple Reign CD RN 195.0 Nelson, Jacqueline Rollins & JH. Breeder: Susan Tapp & Margot2 CH MACH2 Beaufield Fern VCD3 Colleen McDaniel. Owner: Melissa Nielson. Owner: Susan Tapp & UDX RN MXF. Breeder: Bridget McMunn. 193.5 Margot Nielson. 468 Kvarnlov & Mary Fedor. Owner: 2 GCh Chantico’s Spirit In The Surf 2 NawedShoe’s All That and a Worm Carolyn Lathrop. 192.0 JH RN CD NA NAJ CGC. Breeder: Too RN. Breeder: Karen Mulkearn &Utility B Obedience Kim Kezer & Mindy Garbarino. R. James Rubin. Owner: Karen1 CH Whistle Stop Winds Of Change Owner: Kim Kezer. 189.5 Mulkearn & R. James Rubin. VCD2 UD. Breeder: Col leen 2 CH MACH2 Beaufield Fern VCD3 Veteran Obedience McDaniel. Wind Moriah CD JH. UDX RN MXF. (Alternate). Breeder: 1 CH Taras Water’s My Middle Name Owner: Deb Nezqoda. 191.5 Bridget Kvarnlov & Mary Fedor. CD JH RE NAP. Breeder: Tara2 CH MACH2 Beaufield Fern VCD3 Owner: Carolyn Lathrop. 468.0 Darling & Mindy Garbarino. Owner: UDX RN MXF. Breeder: Bridget Team II Kim & Jeremy Kezer. 157.0 Kvarnlov & Mary Fedor. Owner: 1 Eire’s Maybe I’m Amazed WC SH. 2 Caelens Magyc Tym of Liebran CDX Carolyn Lathrop. 190.0 Breeder: Wm Phillips & Kathy RAE5 A X A XJ A XP AJP NF.Beginner Novice A Obedience Dingledy. Owner: Patricia Bourne. Breeder: Karen & Kent Shaver and1 Cuardach Travelin Man. Breeder: 707.0 Joan Hanawa lt. O w ner:Susan Stephanie O’Reilly & Lonnie Sparks. 1 GCh Chantico’s Spirit In The Surf Anderson and Randal Byrd. 117.0 Owner: April Barr & Stephanie JH RN CD NA NAJ CGC. Breeder: O’Reilly . 190.0 Kim Kezer & Mindy Garbarino. Brace Obedience Owner: Kim Kezer. 707.0Beginner Novice B Obedience Brace I 1 CH Cuardach Megan’s Trail at Rinn1 D’Locks Flourish And Blotts, CGC 2 Cuardach Emerald Trek To Rinn CD RE NAJ. Breeder: S O’Reilly and RN. Breeder: Lynn Musgrave & RN JH. Breeder: S O’Reilly & L B Wathne. Owner: Lonnie Sparkes. Robert G Berglund. Owner: Judy Sparkes. Owner: L Sparkes. 153.0 707.0 O’Brien 195.5 2 CH Cuardach Megan’s Trail at Rinn 1 Ch. Castlehill’s Playing The Field2 Chantico’s Rising Tide. Breeder: CD RE NAJ. Breeder: S O’Reilly and CD, R A, WCX, SH. Breeder: Kim Kezer & Jeremy Kezer & Mindy B Wathne. Owner: Lonnie Sparkes. Margot Nielson & Susan Tapp. Garbarino.94.0 Owner: Ruth Crocker 153.0 Owner: Margot Nielson & Susan & Les Crocker & Kim Kezer & Tapp. 707.0 Mindy Garbarino. 194.0 (Continued on page 12)Spring 2013 11
Irish Water Spaniel Club of America National Specialty 2013 (Continued from page 11) Q CH Beaufield Bidda Poole’s Ide. Rally Advanced BRally Trial Breeder: Jennifer Beck, Bridget 1 GCh Chantico’s Spirit In The SurfRally Novice A Kvarnlov..O wner:Maribeth Bryant, JH RN CD NA NAJ CGC. Breeder:1 Cu’Chlain’s Where To Now St Peter. Rebecca Brooks, Greg Siner. 90 Kim Kezer & Mindy Garbarino. Breeder: Denise Locke, Timothy Q IM Nawedshoes T Party Express. Owner: Kim Kezer. 94 Uf kes & Heidi Gervais. Owner: Breeder: Karen Mulkern & Richard 2 CH Ballyhoo’s Janne O’Bachlach Wendy O’Leary. 80 Mulkern. Owner: Evelyn Van Uden CD JH RN. Breeder: Dede Selph &2 D’Locks Spencer Pote. Breeder: & Karen Mulkern. 91 Judy Goonyeop. Owner: Dede Selph Lynn Musgrave Owner: Cathy Pote. Q CH Chantico’s Light Of Land And & Pam Kadlec. 92 77 Sea CGC. Breeder: Mindy Garbarino 3 GCH Mallyree’s Here Comes The & Kim Kezer. Owner: Mindy . . . Son RN. Breeder: Marian Hopkins &Rally Novice B Garbarino & Kim Kezer. 92 Pamela Manus. Owner: Paul & .Alice1 CH MACH2 Beaufield Fern VCD3 Q All Green Wi’Envy v Alpha Nordic. Getchell and Pam Manus. 85 UDX RN MXF. Breeder: Bridget Breeder: Marit Hansen. Owner: Kvarnlov & Mary Fedor. Owner: Rally Excellent B Melissa McMunn. 92 Carolyn Lathrop. 99 1 GCH Ws N LA For The Love O’ The2 CH Whistle Stop Winds Of Change Rally Advanced A Game CD R A ThD. Breeder: VCD2 UD. Breeder: Col leen 1 Cuardach Makes My Heart Soar RN Russel Nelson, Jacqueline Rollins & McDaniel. Owner: Deb Nezqoda. 98 MX MXJ MXF T2B. Breeder: Colleen McDaniel. Owner: Melissa3 Chantico’s Rising Tide. Breeder: Stephanie O’Reilly, Betty Wathne, McMunn. 92 Kim Kezer & Jeremy Kezer & Mindy Susan Tapp. Owner: Stephanie 2 GCH MACH4 Cuardach Blaze The Garbarino. Owner:Ruth Crocker & O’Reilly & Jeff Rife. 90 Trail CD RA JH MXF T2B. Breeder: Les Crocker & Kim Kezer & Mindy 2 CH Claddagh’s The Beat Goes On Stephanie O’Reilly & Betty Wathne. Garbarino. 95 RN OA OAJ NF CGC. Breeder: Owner: Stephanie O’Reilly & Jeff4 CH Whipcord Born To Fly AX MXJ Marysue Altman & Diane Wacker. Rife. 85 XF. Breeder: Marion Kong. 94 Waters Higher Law. Owner: Jody 3 CH Jaybrens Politically Correct RA Owner:Stephanie O’Reilly. 94 Dushkes. 82 BN. Breeder: James F Brennan &Q Ch Coomara N Tara’s Gale Force. 3 Cuardach Travelin Man. Breeder: Paul Price. Owner:Evelyn Van Uden Breeder: Paul Price. Owner: Tara Stephanie O’Reilly & Lonnie Sparks.. & James Brennan. 80 Darling -Lyon / Paul Price. 93 Owner: April Barr & StephanieQ Ch. Waterford’s Anything You O’Reilly. 70 Want. Breeder: Shona Ensign. Owner: Shona Ensign. 9412 Rat Tails
The Ohio Specialty from a ‘Pet’ Owner’s Point of ViewIBy Jon Hanover As we arrived at the hotel, the first thing we saw was two or three people walking their Irish Water Spaniels. While not an unusual sight thought I would share a little about to most of you, we rarely see any IWS, so it was kind of neat to see themour first IWS Specialty. My son Mike as we checked in.and I, along with Clarence (CuardachAirborne), drove from Chicago toWilmington on Monday evening. we watched the agility competition… met up with Lonnie Sparkes and wentClarence is not a show dog, but is a quite amazing what these owners and to the field past the parking lot….andgreat member of our family. As we their dogs can do! Then after the proceeded to put the “Water” part of thearrived at the hotel, the first thing we competition it was our turn to try out IWS back into the picture. The fieldsaw was two or three people walking some of the equipment. Again, my was soaking wet which, of course, didn’ttheir Irish Water Spaniels. While not expectations were pretty low since a few faze Clarence, Emma nor Meagan inan unusual sight to most of you, we years ago I had bought a small tunnel the least. Clarence even decided to rollrarely see any IWS, so it was kind of for Clarence that he’s never once gone around in the wet grass just to makeneat to see them as we checked in. through, despite much encouragement. sure he was thoroughly soaked. The After breakfast on Tuesday we First up though was the A-frame, and dogs had a great time fetching bumperswalked over to the exhibit hall with Clarence went right up/down on it as if and tennis balls.Clarence and introduced ourselves to a to say, “Come on Dad, that is no big The ride home was uneventful –few folks. Then April Barr asked if we deal!” Both Mike and I did this a few Clarence has no issues with the carwould try for the Canine Good Citizen times with him as Deb Nezgoda taught rides. Overall, it was a lot of fun, andcertificate. We did not know what that us to have a target at the bottom of the kudos to Karen and the committee forwas, so she explained the tasks Clarence frame to help insure he makes the putting together the event. The venuewould need to do. Candidly, I was a bit contact that is required. Then we had was great and the organization was topskeptical – Clarence is a great dog, but Clarence jump through the tire, which notch. I was proud of Clarence – hiswith the new surroundings and he again did without hesitation. But I CGC and agility practice were great,distractions, I thought it might be a tall knew the real test was coming up…the but mostly I was happy that he behavedorder for him. But as we went through tunnel. Mike sat at one end with a treat himself like the wonderful IWS that hethe ten tasks, Clarence performed like a and I brought Clarence to the other is. And it was heartwarming to havechamp and earned the CGC – the first where he hesitated…and then went other IWS owners comment on howaward of the day! right through! Our boy has grown up! good looking and nice Clarence is. We We met up with a number of folks He did this a couple of more times and know it, but the confirmation from theand other IWS including Clarence’s then shocked me by doing the tunnel ‘pros’ is a nice bonus.sister Glider (with Stephanie O’Reilly, with the chute. In all, a very enjoyable The IWS is a beautiful breed and theClarence’s breeder) and brother Neil time. dogs and owners are a great group! I(with Vicki Magaraci). We missed As the storm moved in, we figured it doubt we’ll make it out to Utah (a bitseeing Scout (Clarence’s mom), but are was best to eat at the hotel’s restaurant too far) but next time the Specialty is inglad to hear she is recovering from her and did so with Deb and Joe Nezgoda. the Midwest, Clarence hopes to be ableillness. We took a family photo and had Deb had helped us find our way to to attend.the quote of the day (from Vicki): “Sure, Stephanie to get Clarence five yearsof the three dogs, there are two show ago. It was great to catch up with them. Jon, Mike and the “C-dawg”dogs here, and which one of the siblings We also met Brenda who stopped by assits nicely for a family photo? The other we were finishing up.[Clarence]!!!” The next morning we wanted to get Later in the morning, Mike helped in a bit of exercise for Clarence since wethe set-up crew get ready for agility, and had the long ride home that day. WeSpring 2013 13
Best Of Breed: GCH Whistlestop’s Riley On Fire Best Opposite Sex to Best Of Breed: CH Poole’s Ide Reversal of Fortune Winners Bitch, Best of Winners: Arroyo’s Begin the Beguine Winners Dog: Beaufield’s Boundary Waters At Poole’s Ide Reserve Winners Dog: Stanegate Just An Illusion Reserve Winners Bitch: Chantico’s Rising Tide14 Rat Tails
Select Dog: CH Whistlestop’s B All U Can B CD RN SH Select Bitch: Ch. Waterford’s Anything You Want Best Veteran Dog: H Ildanoch Beckett’s Dublin Brew JH Best Veteran Bitch: CH Taras Water’s My Middle Name CD JH RE NAP Award of Merit Photos courtesy of Jeremy KezerSpring 2013 15
Best In Sweepstakes Best of Opposite Sex Sweepstakes All Green Wi’Envy v Alpha Nordic Stanegate Just An Illusion Best Veteran In Sweepstakes Best Opposite Sex Veteran Sweepstakes CH Whistlestop’s B All U Can B CD RN SH CH Taras Water’s My Middle Name CD JH RE NAP Personal Awards: AKC Sportsmanship: Mindy Garbarino Marion Hopkins Leadership: Liz Weaver & Doctor Barbara Snyder President’s: Michael & Annelies Roeterdink of the Netherlands16 Rat Tails
High In Trial CH Whistle Stop Winds Of Change VCD2 UDSpring 2013 17
Photos courtesy of Jeremy Kezer
2013 IWSCA 75th Anniversary National Specialty – WC/WCXTBy Tim Connor, Test Co-Chair arrived at the bird seconds after it hit the show ring. Pride of place here goes to ground! Colleen McDaniel’s and Deb Hughes’ Second, the weather on test day was Joey (HRCH CH Whistlestop’s B All he report tendered by the Test rather volatile. While rain held off, the U Can B CD RN SH) who went BestChair, Susan Sarracino-Deihl, is both temperature dropped and the wind Veteran in Sweeps and then on Friday,terse and accurate: velocity increased substantially as the Select Dog from the Gun Dog class. WC: 12 entries, 10 ran, 6 passes day wore on. The strong wind played Many thanks then from all of us to WCX: 6 entries, 6 ran, 0 passes havoc with the shot flyers and the water Susan and the members of her My first reaction, as co-chair and marks. The length of the pond, narrow committee, to our judges Bob Samiosparticipant, is that these are not the at one end and quite wide open at the and Penny Conover, to all who steppedkind of numbers any of us would want, other, lay directly exposed to the wind up and volunteered on test day and to allespecially for our 75th Anniversary and the ducks, quite waterlogged by the IWSCA members who continue toSpecialty. Sixteen dogs ran in total with time the WCX test was run and with no champion their dogs in the field. Weonly a 60% success rate in the basic vegetation yet growing in the water to missed some of our most experiencedworking test and a washout in the impede them, were drifting a significant people at the test – Elissa Kirkegard,working test excellent. On the strength distance from the fall. The cold water Jim Brennan, Hyla Mendelow andof these numbers we might well and the wind seemed to baffle some Rosemary Sexton, to name a few – butconclude that the greatest gift of Irish fairly experienced and otherwise those who entered dogs and those whoWater Spaniels to their owners is the successful field dogs. came out to support the test give everygift of humility. As my good friend But even this seems too bleak a evidence that the WC and WCX testsMargot Nielson said when I ran our report and does not give the flavour of will remain an important part of ourbitch Bridey (unsuccessfully!) in the the event at all. It was extremely National Specialty. And thanks too,WC, “The club thanks you for your heartening to see a number of young Susan, for the fabulous caps presentedcontribution!” Indeed! puppies with their owners at the event to all who entered! But a number of observations site. During the Sunday afternoonimmediately temper this rather bleak training session, they were treated toassessment. First, the test was very early the constant booming of shotguns fromin the season. Patti Bourne reported that the skeet range and all of them seemedeverything was still iced up when she oblivious to the noise – a wonderfuland Bart left Prince Edward Island to introduction to gunfire. There was atravel Ohio-wards. So too for our really good spirit among the participantsparticipants from Wisconsin and who had to do a lot of waiting, especiallyMinnesota. Few of us had given our dogs at the training session, as we workedany water work at all and most had not around the host site’s activities (anmanaged any sustained training of any unforeseen glitch) and who pitched inkind before coming to the Specialty. as equipment haulers, gunners andAnd the water was the undoing of the “bird boys.” Did it ever occur to Bjorgfew dogs that had made it through the Helene Andersen when she left NorwayWCX land test. Then there are those that she would be staffing a gunner sitefeatures of the test that some of us don’t in the WCX or to our incomingget to experience in our training. Judge President, Helen Howard, that, badBob Samios shared with us that his shoulder and all, she would be throwing Margot Nielson leads off the WCX land test with Nuala (Castlehill’s UponGoldens had only ever broken twice in a ducks at the water test? It must also be Fields of Gold CD RN JH WC) underWCX and both times involved shot noted that many of our entries appeared the scrutiny of Judges Bob Samios andflyers. Our boy Beckett must have been in other Specialty venues, demonstrating Penny Connoverlistening because all of that business was once again the integrity and versatilityjust too much excitement for him as he of the breed, including the Conformation20 Rat Tails
The Six WC qualifiers were:1. Ch Whistlestop’s B All You Can B, Handler: Stephanie O’Reilly 6 Ch Whipcord Born to Fly AX, MXJ, CD, SH, RN, Handler: Jack 4. Ch Whistlestop’s Winds of Change. XF, Handler: Stephanie O’Reilly McDaniel VCD2, UD, OA, NAJ, Handler:2. Ch Ildanoch Beckett’s Dublin Brew, Deborah Nezgoda There were no WCX qualifiers. JH, WC, Handler: Timothy Connor 5. Aquashores Saracen Falling Waters3. GRCh Mach5 Cuardach Blaze the SHU W DX, Handler: Susan Trail, CD, RA, JH, MXF, T2B, Sarracino-DeihlSpring 2013 21
A Genetic Overview of the Irish Water SpanielSubmitted by Sharon Moreland IWS through our history: 16.2% in populations was: 1) avoid popular sire 1900’s, 11-13% thought the 1970’s, syndrome; 2) utilize quality dogs fromPresentation Offered by increasing to 15+% in 1980’s and 1990’s, breadth of population to expand theO and return to 11-13% in following years. gene pool; 3) monitor genetic health Dr. Bell Dr Bell then showed us four IWS issues through health surveys; 4) do pedigrees to demonstrate different genetic testing; and 5) participate in ranges of Inbreeding coefficients—from health registries to manage genetic n the morning of Wednesday April 27% to 3%. Several of the pedigree, disorders.17 the attendees of the 75th Anniversary when examined to the tenth generation, He reviewed our breed-specif icNational Specialty were invited to a showed remarkable numbers of health concerns in detail and what ispresentation by Dr. Jerold S. Bell, DMV, occurrences of remote ancestors— known about the inheritance of thoseProfessor of Genetics at Tufts Cummings “founders” of our breed: Dermod, disorders. And he stressed throughoutSchool of Veterinary Medicine. The Gorey Boy, Young Corrib Bawm, his presentation that the days ofpresentation was sponsored by the Dermot O’Conner, Blair and Madam stigmatizing conscientious, health-Health and Genetics Committee and Blair each with over ½ million testing breeders who have producedthe Breeders Education Committee, occurrences in those 10 generation dogs affected or carrying hereditaryand the contract negotiated by Jim pedigrees. disease are over. “All genetic diseaseRubin. Dr. Bell had done some intensive He then spoke on the subject of cannot be prevented. However, we havework using Michael Roeterdink’s data genetic diversity, commenting that he the knowledge and the tools to improvebase and our 2010 Health Survey to did not see a lack of diversity in IWS. the genetic health of puppies.”make his presentation very IWS He stressed that Genetic Diversity = Slides from is presentation arespecific. Breeder Diversity. “It is the varied currently available at http://www.iwsca. He began his presentation with a opinions of breeders as to what org/reports.htm and a full video of theclear introduction to the concepts of constitutes the ideal dog and their presentation will soon be available online breeding, inbreeding, outbreeding selection of breeding stock that the IWSCA web site http://www.iwsca.and crossbreeding. He then introduced maintains breed diversity.” org/the concept of inbreeding coefficient His suggested method of managingand showed the average COI for the diversit y in breeds with small We Are Looking for Photo Submissions for the M 2014 IWS Calendar artha and I need all topics, preferably in digital file (a jpg) at least 500kb in size, though we will accept hard copy photos too. Submitters can send digital files to c.morgan.home@comcast.net and swanlady@drizzle.com. CDs with photos and hard copy photos can be mailed to 6226 Woodlawn Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98103. We really need photos as soon as possible and our production deadline is August.22 Rat Tails
RatTails - MBIS BISS GCH Whistlestop's Riley On Fire - Official Publication of the Irish Water Spaniel Club of America - Irish Water ... (2024)
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