What Is Animal Abuse, And How Can You Stop It? - Faunalytics (2024)

by karol orzechowski

Animals are counting on you to make a difference.

Animal abuse can take many forms: it includes not only obvious forms of abuse such as killing or physically hurting animals, but also includes keeping wild animals in captivity. It’s possible to abuse animals through our actions, as well through our lack of action.

Cats and dogs linger in shelters and may be euthanized before ever finding homes; many species of wildlife face hunting pressure from humans, and are increasingly affected by climate change; most animals in the food system are kept in crowded, filthy conditions, and are killed after only a fraction of their natural lifespans. These are just a few examples of what animal abuse is. Below, you can find a selection of some of our most popular and informative resources to help you learn more.

Animals Used for Food

What Is Animal Abuse, And How Can You Stop It? - Faunalytics (2)

COVID-19: A Wake-Up Call For Our Abuse Of Animals

Our use and abuse of animals has demanded change for a long time. This pandemic has shown us the life or death consequences of failing to act.READ MORE

March 16, 2021

Companion Animals

What Is Animal Abuse, And How Can You Stop It? - Faunalytics (4)

Should Advocates Support Animal Abuse Registries?

Although animal abuse registries are gaining support among some advocates, others are raising concerns about their effectiveness and unintended consequences.READ MORE

March 6, 2020

Our Blog

What Is Animal Abuse, And How Can You Stop It? - Faunalytics (6)

An Analysis of Lethal Methods of Wildlife Population Control

A look at two papers, from the Wild Animal Suffering Research repository, analyzing lethal methods of wild animal population control; one among vertebrates, the other among invertebrates. READ MORE

August 10, 2018

Animals Used in Science

What Is Animal Abuse, And How Can You Stop It? - Faunalytics (8)

Faunalytics Slack Chat: Animal Research And Government Waste

The U.S. government spends $15 billion every year on research involving animals, and most of that testing is wasteful and doesn't help to advance human health. What can be done about it?READ MORE

March 14, 2018

What Is Animal Abuse, And How Can You Stop It? - Faunalytics (10)

Farmed Animals

This visual resource provides extensive facts and stats about farmed animal ethology, consumer opinions, the scale of the industry, environmental impacts, and more.READ MORE

August 26, 2016

Companion Animals

What Is Animal Abuse, And How Can You Stop It? - Faunalytics (12)

The History Of Puppy Mills And Why You Should Care

This blog addresses the state of puppy mills in the U.S., their history, numbers and the impact they have on puppies. READ MORE

January 1, 2014

What can you do?

With the wide range of problems facing animals, it’s easy to feel hopeless, or that there’s nothing you can do as an individual. Fortunately, there is actually a lot you can do to make a difference, on many different levels.

  • For cats, dogs, and other companion animals, one of the most important things you can do is adopt from your local shelters. You can also get involved in a local Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return program, or if one doesn’t exist, you can help start one!
  • To help wild animals, first you need to educate yourself about the wildlife in your local area, and what issues they face. More and more groups are starting citizen science projects that involve local community members in the data gathering process. The best part is, you don’t need to be a scientist to get involved!
  • For animals in farms, you can go vegetarian or vegan. If that seems daunting, start by trying Meatless Mondays, and build from there. Being veg doesn’t have to be all-or-nothing. Every meatless or animal-product free meal you eat helps animals.

Faunalytics helps stop animal abuse
through education and advocacy.

We do that by providing animal advocates with the crucial knowledge they need to succeed. We give you information to help plan action that gets better results and gets them quicker. Whether you’re a brand new animal advocate or a seasoned veteran of the movement, we have the resources you need to take your advocacy to the next level.

Independent Studies

We conduct original, independent studies that look at a variety of issues related to animal abuse. We’ve also helped dozens of organizations conduct their own research to get better results. READ MORE.

Faunalytics Library

Our library of animal-related research gives you everything you need to know to identify animal abuse, and act for positive change. No matter what the issue, we have the data to make your animal advocacy better. READ MORE.

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What Is Animal Abuse, And How Can You Stop It? - Faunalytics (2024)


What can we do to stop animal abuse? ›

Here is a list of eight things you can do to stop and prevent animal cruelty:
  • Adopt A Rescue Animal. ...
  • Care For Your Pet Properly. ...
  • Teach Kids To Love Animals. ...
  • Support Animal Rescues. ...
  • Avoid Products With Animal Testing. ...
  • Foster A Pet. ...
  • Safely Report If You Witness Animal Cruelty. ...
  • Support Laws That Protect Animals.

How is animal abuse being stopped? ›

If you witness any form of animal cruelty, report it to the police or other authorities. Act immediately to prevent further cruelty. Teach your children to have respect for animals. Set a good example by being respectful towards animals.

What is the meaning of animal cruelty? ›

Definition of Animal Cruelty. Animal Cruelty is defined as depriving an animal of food, water, shelter, and/or veterinary care. Torturing, maiming, or killing animals is also animal cruelty. There are many reasons people have used to be cruel to animals.

What are the 4 types of animal abuse? ›

Data collection covers four categories: simple/gross neglect, intentional abuse and torture, organized abuse (such as dogfighting and co*ckfighting) and animal sexual abuse.

What is the main reason for animal abuse? ›

The interview responses were recorded and analyzed qualitatively. The results of this analysis indicated that people abuse animals mostly due to lack of animal welfare awareness as well as due to the connection that exists between animal abuse and human violence.

Can you use force to stop animal abuse? ›

A pet is property. We can't use deadly force to protect property, but we can use reasonable force.

What triggers animal abuse? ›

One root cause of Domestic Animal Abuse is pet owners not taking the time to properly train their pet. Some people do this because they want to gain sense of power & control over an animal retaliation towards an animal or person. People abuse animals for many reasons with varying levels of harm to the animal.

How did animal abuse start? ›

In early history, 5000 BC – 500 AD, animals were used intensively for their muscle power, as draught animals to pull plows or sleds with blocks of limestone for construction. Animal muscle power was also needed in times of war.

How to prevent animal cruelty essay? ›

Animal cruelty can be stopped by taking strong legal action. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act has been implemented by the Government of India. Animals are put in circuses and zoos for our entertainment. Animals' skin, teeth and horns are used as decor items by humans.

Why shouldn't we hurt animals? ›

Animals have all the necessary qualities to possess moral consideration. They are sentient beings with complex cognitive abilities. They possess strong emotions, can recognize other individual people and animals, and possess their own discrete and unique personalities.

Is killing an animal cruelty? ›

Animal Cruelty is defined as: “Intentionally killing, injuring, maiming, torturing or mutilating any animal; abandoning or leaving any animal in any place without making provisions for its proper care; having physical custody of any animal and failing to provide such food, potable water, protection from the elements, ...

What are 10 animal rights? ›

Accepting the doctrine of animal rights means:
  • No experiments on animals.
  • No breeding and killing animals for food or clothes or medicine.
  • No use of animals for hard labour.
  • No selective breeding for any reason other than the benefit of the animal.
  • No hunting.
  • No zoos or use of animals in entertainment.

Is kicking a dog animal abuse? ›

What is animal cruelty? Animal cruelty involves inflicting harm, injuring, or killing an animal. The cruelty can be intentional, such as kicking, burning, stabbing, beating, or shooting; or it can involve neglect, such as depriving an animal of water, shelter, food, and necessary medical treatment.

Why is animal cruelty morally wrong? ›

Pain is an intrinsic evil whether it is experienced by a child, an adult, or an animal. If it is wrong to inflict pain on a human being, it is just as wrong to inflict pain on an animal. Moreover, it is argued, the lives of all creatures, great and small, have value and are worthy of respect.

What is emotional abuse for animals? ›

Types of Abuse against Animals

Physical abuse includes causing unnecessary pain, like inappropriate methods of training. Emotional abuse may include repeated or sustained “mental violence” like withholding social interactions.

How to reduce animal endangerment? ›

How can I help prevent species from going extinct and aid in their recovery?
  1. Learn about endangered and threatened species in your area and the threats they face.
  2. Watch wildlife responsibly.
  3. Volunteer for restoration projects and take other actions to protect habitat.
  4. Report marine mammals or sea turtles in distress.

How do you stop animal fights? ›

Write letters to the editor about the cruelty and dangers of animal fighting. Introduce yourself to your local law enforcement agencies and bring animal fighting issues to their attention. Call or visit your local law enforcement offices and bring them animal fighting reward posters.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.